Blog posts tagged with 'jewelry'

Jewelry Chain Styles-How They Differ and What They Can Do
Jewelry Chain Styles-How They Differ and What They Can Do
There are many different types of chains for jewelry making, in this blog we'll delve into what these chains can do and how they play a pivotal role in defining the style and character of your jewelry pieces. Whether you're a jeweler or who someone who's just interested in jewelry, this blog is meant to give you inspiration and knowledge on the diverse roles different chains can play in crafting beautiful eye catching jewelry.
How to Clean Tarnished Silver Jewelry
How to Clean Tarnished Silver Jewelry
It is time to make use of your kitchen ingredients once again. However, this time, we will use them in cleaning your silver jewelry to give you that fabulous look with shiny pieces. There is a range of kitchen cleaners for your silver jewelry. We are going to see the ideal method of cleaning your silver.
5 Ways to Boost Your Handmade Jewelry Sales During the Holidays
5 Ways to Boost Your  Handmade Jewelry Sales During the Holidays

Holiday sales are crucial to jewelry businesses as they are a big percentage of the annual total sales for most jewelry vendors. The success of the holiday sales will define your sales performance for the entire year. What you can do to boost your holiday sales?

Marketplace Risks for Jewelry Businesses and How to Avoid Them

As a wholesale jewelry supplier, we work with thousands of designers around the world and we are able to notice when there are ups and downs in their sales, as it affects ours as well. We dug deeper and noticed that some shops suffered as they only sold on the online marketplace platform.